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To make a complaint about the goods purchased from us, complete the complaint form attached below and send it together with the goods to our company's address.
It is best to contact an employee of our company in advance for more detailed information.


Goods purchased by phone or e-mail (Internet, E-mail) have the right to return the goods without giving a reason. This right is valid for 14 calendar days from the receipt of the goods only in the event of a written withdrawal from the purchase contract.

After submitting a written notification of returning the goods, the returned goods should be sent back to us within 14 days from the date of notification.
The goods must be sent at your own expense - WE DO NOT ACCEPT SHIPMENTS SHIPPED AT OUR COST AND CODE.

The goods should be sent to the company's address:

ul. Kapitałowa 4
phone: 17 22 93 705

After receiving the goods and checking that all the conditions for accepting the return (list below) have been met, we will send the money back to the account provided in the withdrawal notification within 7 days. Conditions for accepting the return of goods: a written return notification was delivered within 14 days from the date of receipt of the goods. a copy of the purchase document was attached to the returned goods. the returned goods do not show any signs of damage and use, the goods are sent back in the packaging (undamaged) in which it was delivered to the customer. the goods are complete (if the part consists of several elements) the goods have not been imported to the customer's individual order

NOTE: Electric and electronic parts are not eligible for return

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